Author Archives for Marcel Wilson

Discover Human Sparks’ next generation risk management App designed for digital transformations

January 9, 2019 10:59 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Even the best, most experienced teams cannot avoid the fact that their digital transformations are 84% likely to fail. We believe that concepts such as ‘embrace failure’ have been taken too far - nobody should embrace wasting their company’s money or disappointing customers. Now is the time to take digital transformation risk management to the next level. Looprisk is the first software product to bring risk awareness, cost-based tracking and team accountability to digital transformations. Looprisk helps digital transformation teams to avoid failure due to excessive exposure to implementation risks.

What is data governance?

January 8, 2019 2:31 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Data governance refers to an overarching strategy that encompasses the policies, processes, technologies and people involved in managing, operationalizing and protecting data. Data governance drives risk assessments, which drives the compliance effort, which in turn develops the governance program. The three; governance, risk assessment, and compliance must work hand-in-hand for effective management and protection of data.

The turning-point for de-risking the people-side of digital transformations

January 7, 2019 1:16 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Organisations who take people out of their operational roles to participate in digital transformations find that during a digital transformation, role efficacy 'dips' then returns to an acceptable level when 'things get back to normal'. As part of Human Sparks’ work in de-risking digital transformations, we observe this same pattern over-and-over again. People who are regularly, during stable times, effective contributors become ineffective during a transformation. Why is this? It isn’t that individuals involved are 'against the changes' or that the changes themselves are poorly designed. The reason is that people don’t know what is expected of them; or how to perform their role effectively. The bottom line is that these people exhibit low role efficacy and it 'hurts' their company’s digital transformation outcomes!